
Quiz Time: What do you know about red flags?

In 2025, red flags are always being redefined; this International Women’s Day, test your knowledge – what do you know about them? 

Don’t forget to share! 

Question 1 of 4

When was the term ‘red flag' first used as something signifying danger? 

Question 2 of 4

 OK next, what are red flags as defined by Refuge?

Question 3 of 4

Next – which of these could be defined as a red flag?

Question 4 of 4

Finally, how many red flags should you wait for before visiting Refuge.org.uk?

Before you get your results… 

Domestic abuse can be hard to recognise, particularly when it's outside the typical assumptions made about abuse. 1 in 4 women in England and Wales will experience domestic abuse in her lifetime. It’s time to change that.

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