A women is upset and holds her hands to her mouth and looks out of a rainy window

Demand support for women trapped with their abusers because they can't afford to leave.

Urge the Chancellor and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to increase Universal Credit and other benefits immediately - survivors can't wait until April 2023. And to make money available for an emergency fund for survivors of domestic abuse.

The cost of living crisis shouldn't cost her life.

Send your message to Jeremy Hunt and Mel Stride now. The budget statement today did not go far enough.

A women is upset and holds her hands to her mouth and looks out of a rainy window

We need your voice.

Send a message to them and join us in urging the government to support women escaping domestic abuse.

UK Parliament
UK Parliament
UK Parliament
A women is upset and holds her hands to her mouth and looks out of a rainy window

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